Sunday, January 21, 2007

Karma Sale: Good Karma?

What if the Good Karma I received from my Karma Sale was a diagnosis of bipolar and a crisis of (discovery of?) faith?
Many people have heard me say that I think the Good Karma I got from my Karma Sale is the fact that I had a psychotic break which lead to my diagnosis of bipolar that finally made me decide that there is a God (or for my friend Max g-d). I can imagine that in their head that doesn't sound like Good Karma. But let's think about that... My mom committed suicide when I was 18. I used to say that it was because she had cancer but now I know that wasn't the WHOLE story. My mom was probably a depressed manic depressive person who didn't have any treatment. Finally when I went off to college, she probably didn't feel as needed as she once did. She was fighting her second round of cancer and life wasn't worth living any more. This will NEVER happen to me. I will be in treatment of some sort for the rest of my life. Even if it is just surrounding myself with a great community of people who love me and can tell me when I need to get some help.
The second part of this is my discovery of God, g-d, Higher Power, or whatever I am finally going to call it. It is too late for me to get into this tonight so I will post about it tomorrow. Some people are going to get it and some others are not (Like my gyn who is scared of religious talk). This is my realization and I am not proselytizing. Some might call it testifying but I am not out to convert you at all. I just want to share what happened.
Lots of love,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm looking forward to your post about God (that's what I call 'Him' :)...