Sunday, December 31, 2006

What is the sound of 1 crazy lady talking to herself on the internet?

As crazy and extroverted as I act, I am really a very scared and unsure person.

I am pouring out my heart on the internet and while I will continue to do it even if no one ever comments about my postings (because as a wise man once pointed out to me - Thanks Atul - we always do what is best for US not anyone else) it would be nice to hear someone in the vast void that is the blogosphere.

So one of my dreams is community. I hope to make this a "sticky" site. A place with a whole lot of updated information that makes you come back again and again. I think that this country, heck most of the world, is missing that feeling of community now. I KNOW that there are others out there who want it but just haven't found their place. I want to offer that calm harbor in the storm of life.

One of my ideas is I am going to take a ton of topics that I want to write about and put them on slips of paper in a box. I will then pull out 2 slips of paper and post them for my online community. Then YOU decide what I will write about. And then people will be free to respond. We will try to play nice but I am sure as in every crowd someone will be offended, someone will make a jerk out of themselves, someone will cross the boundried and share too much (I don't believe that there is a way to share too much) or maybe, as in some other groups, I belong to someone won't know the boundries of what they CAN ask.

But right now I am asking for 1 small post. A comment from someone, anyone ... even without your real name.
If it happens GREAT... if not I am not stopping this blog. Because it really is ALL about me. (Joking)
Got to run.
No time to spell check or proof read. Sorry


Unknown said...

Hey, Daria, it's Max. Apparently I do have a blogspot blog, and forgot about it, because it logged me in automagically.

Please keep blogging, if only because then I won't have to keep you up late IMing to find out how Co-housing Daria, Co-housing Todd, and Co-housing Leslie are doing. And even having been a FC moderator for a while, I would never have come up with the Karma Sale idea. We're too fixated on eliminating money, but I love your idea.

Momma Daria said...

Max!!! Thank you for this gift. I am still digesting all of this. I have so many stories from the sale that I want to tell. TOO MANY. I am having a hard time deciding what ones to talk about.
It would be awesome if some people from the sale would help me by posting their comments, feelings, etc. And let us know if karma followed them.
I find parts of this very funny (I often say no one finds me as funny as I find myself)... I wonder what the creators/writers of My Name is Earl would think if they stumbled on this blog.
Happy end of 2006... May 2007 be the best year YET!