Monday, March 26, 2007

Another Day

I've discovered that a lot of people are keeping up with me though my blog so I'd better keep it updated. I am feeling better but sort of Blah these days. This week I am going to attempt to work 40 hours. This isn't easy since I have 2 counselor appointments and occupational therapy with Lesley. I could flex my hours but there still isn't a lot of work for me to do right now.
I was really lucky because Todd was out of town last weekend and my mother-in-law came up and helped me with Lesley. It's just horrible... I have sort of checked out as a Mom. I can't even think of ideas to do with her. As I write this I can hear Todd and Lesley having the greatest time upstairs. He is an amazing father.
Well back to cooking dinner.... Got to earn my keep some how.
Take Care,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Daria,

I stumbled across your blog and wanted to say, "Hello". It certainly looks like you've had your fair share of challenges. Keep your head up and charge through them. What other choice do we really have?
