Thursday, March 15, 2007

What do you do when all self esteem is gone?

You know what is great about mania? The fact that you think you are King of the WORLD. I have never had as much self esteem as I did during the Karama Sale that I hosted. 3 days before I was hospitalized I was throwing a yard sale for charity that raised over $600. It was an amazing feeling. But it wasn't really me. It was Manic Daria. Which means that all the happiness, self confidence and joy is gone again. Like right now I am working on a project at work. I just can not for the life of me "get it". I can't figure out the test cases. I can't get the simple load to work correctly and the developer doesn't have the time to hold my hand (this dude is so good he is pulled in 8 different directions.) I am working on 1 project. That is all they are asking of me and I can't do it. I feel horrible.

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